PROLOGUE - CRYSTAL TOKYO Dusk was falling over Crystal Tokyo, the rays of the setting sun coloring the towering spires of the Crystal Palace a soft pink. Outside, servants finished their gardening and lawn maintenance work and packed up their tools, observing with pride how well the rose garden was doing nowadays. King Endymion watched them from his private study. That rose garden was very important to him. It was by far his favorite part of the palace. It was his daughter's favorite, as well. But she wasn't here. . .hadn't been in quite some time now. . . "It's been seven months now, hasn't it?" said a voice behind him. The king turned, and saw a familiar male form. It did not surprise him at all that the other knew exactly what was in his mind. . .similar things had happened before, many times. "Yes, it has," Endymion replied. "I miss her like anything. . .but I know it's for the best. She would get the best training to be a Sailor Soldier by studying with Serena. . .with Sailor Moon." The other smiled slightly. "Training. . .ah, yes, she is getting excellent training back in the past. But that's not the only reason you sent her back there, is it?" Endymion's mind was flooded with memories of his younger days, of the time that Reenie had been sent back to. . . "No, it isn't. She. . .has her role to play." "In your ultimate destiny." "Yes." The king looked out the window. "She's probably experiencing it now. It began in April of 2000, on the day of a total solar eclipse. . ." SAILOR MOON SUPERS: WAR OF DREAMS PART ONE A Sailor Moon Sekkushiaru Roman by Sailor Mac "Hey! Has the eclipse started yet?" Reenie looked through her small telescope at the sky, frowning. She'd read up on solar eclipses, and she knew that when they happened, they made the daytime seem like night, that they were such powerful events that in some ancient Earth cultures, an eclipse was considered the begining of the end of the world. But so far, she'd seen nothing at all. It was just another day in the park. . .even if it was an unusually warm one for April. "It's still a little while yet," Serena said as she continued to unwrap the sandwiches. Geez, the little spore's impatient, she thought. What, does she expect the sun to drop down from the sky and land in her lap at her bidding? "Reenie," Amy said, "you really shouldn't be looking through that. When the eclipse starts, it will be very dangerous to look at the sky at all." "So how are we going to see it?" Amy reached into her tote bag and took out two pieces of paper, one with a hole cut in it. "Use these. The eclipse will cast a shadow through the hole onto the other piece of paper." "It's how I used to look at things like that when I was a little kid," Lita told her. "Don't worry, you won't miss a thing." Humph, Reenie thought. Back home, we had telescopes that let us look at eclipses. We could even teleport ourselves to the moon and watch total earth eclipses if we wanted. What's the matter with this place? She felt strange, sometimes, being taken from her own time and placed in another one far less advanced. People dressed differently here, acted differently, used different technology. . .Magic, which was as much a part of her life as the air she breathed, was almost nonexistant, used only by the Sailor Soldiers. Her thoughts were interrupted by Ken calling from behind her, "Lita! How do you work this camera? I'm pushing the green button, but it's not zooming in. . ." Lita sighed. "It's not the *green* button for zoom, Ken, it's the *yellow* button. Let me show you. . ." She stumbled over something and almost fell. "What the. . .Adam? What are you doing down there?" Adam stirred, slowly. Having someone fall over him was just about the only thing that could wake him up right now. He was exhausted after Amy's "experiment" the night before. What was it this time? - oh, yeah, sex standing up against the wall. Every time they were together, she wanted to try another position, another technique, another gimmick. . . By all logic, I should be the happiest guy in the world, he thought. Why do I feel just. . .tired? Meanwhile, Ken continued to struggle with the camera. Who designed this thing, he thought, NASA rocket scientists? It's got more buttons and gadgets than the cockpit of an airplane! He looked up, intending to ask Lita another question, and saw Adam just flopped on the ground in front of her. Ken frowned. This didn't look like Adam was just stretching out to catch some rays. . .the way his limbs were thrown this way and that, like a rag doll, suggested that he had collapsed from sheer exhaustion. Adam *always* looked tired nowadays, Ken thought. I knew he was always something of a grind. . .but is he studying himself literally to death? "Don't worry about me, Lita," Adam said. "Just carry on." "Um. . .okay." She gave him a rather strange look, then continued on to where Ken was attempting to take pictures of Raye sitting atop the shoulders of Chad, who had a let's-get-this-over-with-already look on his face. "What's with Adam?" Ken asked her. "Come OOOON!" Raye shouted. "I can't stay up here forever!" "Yeah, dude," Chad added. "My backbone's collapsing!" Lita sighed and pointed out the correct camera buttons to Ken. The discussion about Adam would have to wait. Meanwhile, Glen sat against a tree, watching the photo session take place. The look on his face was one of anxiety. Mina sat next to him and gave him a big hug. "What's wrong? You look like your best friend just swallowed the canary." He couldn't even bring himself to chuckle at her usual mangled old saying. He was being flooded by a feeling of. . .not pure dread, just unease. As if something were about to happen. "I'm fine," he said. "Still a bit jet-lagged." She noticed the look in his eyes. . .it was one she had seen before, when he was having visions of things that were happening far away, and they weren't entirely pleasant. "That's *really* all that's bugging you?" Is it? he thought. This isn't like me. I don't usually have these feelings about *future* events. I'm a far-seer, not a soothsayer. Either whatever's causing these feelings is here *right now*. . .or it's going to be arrive really soon, and it's something *very, very* bad. Then again. . .I *could* be just jet-lagged, and it's nothing. I don't want to make her needlessly worry if that's the case. "Yes. That's all." "Oh. Well, I've got just the thing that will make you feel better. Lita's pasta salad! You've *got* to try some! It is absolutely to DIE for. . ." "Sure," he said. "Lead me to it!" At that moment, the salad he sought was being unpacked by someone else who was having vague feelings of unease. Darien looked at the party all around him. On one side, Mina leading Glen over to the food like someone dragging a reluctant dog to the vet. On the other, Chad and Ken playing catch with a Frisbee. There was Adam, stretched out on the ground just chilling, and a few feet away, Amy chattering away about the science of an eclipse, and Raye and Lita pretending to be interested. Everyone was in spring clothes - light jackets, polo shirts, sweatshirts - for the first time after being imprisoned in winter woolens for a seeming eternity. It's a beatiful scene - but I just can't get into this, he thought. There's this anxiety, this feeling that things are about to go terribly wrong. . .are there new enemies about to arrive? Is some natural disaster on the way? Is. . . "Hey, there!" a voice above him said. "How come you look so down?" Darien looked up, and saw the familar shock of mud-brown hair, near-perpetual flannel shirt and lopsided grin. . . "David!" Darien said, pulling himself up. "You guys made it after all!" "I cancelled my meeting," Lori said. "Nobody wanted to sit indoors on a day like this, anyway." "Hey, not even *she* can outdraw an eclipse," David said. "How've you been? I haven't had a chance to see you for a couple of days." "Ah, you know. Same-old-same old. Busy." David said to Lori in a stage whisper, "And, as always, 'busy' is spelled S-E-R-E-N-A." All three of them laughed. "Hey, I seem to remember you being *busy* a couple of nights this week yourself," Darien retorted. "I had meetings to go to," David replied quickly - a bit too quickly. And Darien didn't miss the "say-one-more-word-and-you-will-lose-a-vital-part-of-your-anatomy" look Lori gave him. Serena watched from her post among the mountains of food, while nibbling on a sandwich. . .hey, it was okay if she sampled a sandwich before the picnic proper started, right? Okay, so this was her second one. . .but it was still just a snack! She was so glad to see Darien with a male friend. . .he and David had been spending quite a bit of time together lately. It seemed that whenever Darien wasn't with Serena. . .he was with David. And when he wasn't with either of them, he was with Artemis, working on his magical skills. Serena was glad to see that as well. Darien had lacked any kind of guidance, any mentoring, ever since he'd been part of the team. In Artemis, he had both a mentor and a friend. It must have been hard for him, not having a close male friend before this, she thought. Oh, sure, he had hung out with Andrew, and a couple of other guys from school. . .but he never seemed as comfortable and easygoing around him as he did with David. She wondered why this was so. On the surface, all they seemed to have in common was that they both attended the same college and got frequently accused by peers of being stuffed shirts. David was a political activist, and Darien had never shown much interest in politics. Maybe, she thought, the bond is that they both want a better world. . .they just use different paths - magic and politics - to get there. Or maybe it was that they both knew what loneliness felt like. Darien had told her that David had had an engagement fall apart on him before meeting Lori. Reenie was also observing her future father and his new friend. But she wasn't as happy. Why does he spend less time with me, and more time with this other person now? she thought. I thought I was the most important thing in his life? She had spent a *lot* of time with Darien until a few weeks ago. . .she had done her homework at his house, he had taken her and Serena to stores, to the amusement park, to the beach. . .Then came a few weeks where he wasn't seeing her *or* Serena at all. Serena had said he had a lot of schoolwork to do. Reenie had wondered if that was true. . .especially when he went back to seeing Serena again - alone - and this other person appeared on the scene. She thought back to Crystal Tokyo, remembering how her father would always take time from whatever he was doing, even if it was pressing royal duties, to be with her. If Darien is the same person as my father, she thought, why isn't he the same way? She sank to the ground, hugging herself. I feel so alone, she thought. First, Heather disappeared after Serena and everyone got rid of the Deathbusters. . .and then, this thing with Darien. . .Look at everyone else here. Amy has Adam, Raye has Chad, Mina has Glen, Lita has Ken, Serena and Darien have each other. . .who do I have? She suddenly was filled with an urge to go home, back to Crystal Tokyo. No, she thought, I can't do that. I promised Mama I would stay here until I was fully trained as a Sailor Soldier. But how long is that going to take? Serena was calling, "Hey! Reenie! Come over here. . .the eclipse is gonna start!" "Meanwhile, Serena is busy *eclipsing* all the food," Raye said. "Hey! This is my first plateful!" "Oh, sure, it's the first time you've had a *plate,* Raye said. "But I saw you with all that stuff in your *hands* before. What was it, two sandwiches, a few pickles, couple of handfulls of chips. . ." "Don't forget the little package of pretzels," Mina said. Serena's head snapped around towards her. "You traitor!" "I saw her eat the pretzels too," Amy said. "Right after her second can of soda." "ARGH!" Serena said. "Can't I get *any* respect around here?" "Well, if you ask me. . ." Lita began. And then, the shadow began to fall over the earth, and a hush fell over the crowd. The darkness closed in, slowly, slowly, by degrees. And as it did, strange things began to happen. A wind whipped up, scattering leaves and twigs. The birds that had been in the trees above took off and flew away frantically. Two dogs belonging to other picnickers began to jump around, barking and growling. David felt a strange prickling at the back of his neck, the kind of feeling one gets when they think someone is watching them from afar. He looked at Lori, and the expression on her face told him she was feeling something strange as well. Amy, Mina and Lita all felt it too, only more intensely - like an electric shock to their nerves. Amy found herself involuntarily crossing her arms over her body, as if fighting off a chill. But for four other members of the group, what was going through them was no mere chill. . .it was more like a storm swelling within their minds. Suddenly, reality was warping and distorting around them. Trees looked like they were twisting into grotesque shapes, the wind and human voices around them seemed hundreds of miles away. . .They began to feel like they weren't safe in the park at all - they were out of time, out of space altogether, in some kind of void. What's happening? Serena thought. It's just an eclipse, right? Just the moon passing over the sun. Things get a little weird during an eclipse. . .right? It's not just a shadow on the earth, Reenie thought. It's a shadow inside me. . .like my whole mind and soul are being covered in shadows. Dear Gods, thought Raye, it feels just like when the Deathbusters first came. Like the feeling I had right before the visions of doom. . . Darien just sat frozen to the spot, the unease he'd felt before transformed into a raging inferno of panic. Glen also felt the anxiety he'd had before multiplied a thousandfold. It's here, he thought. Whatever it was I felt before. . .it's here. . . Suddenly, the first rays of faint light peeked out from around the moon and fell on the earth. The group found themselves letting out big sighs of relief, their bodies relaxing, their mental states returning to normal. Darien pulled himself up off the ground, feeling dizzy and a bit sick. He felt Serena's hand on his arm. "Are you okay?" she said. "Yes," he replied. "I'm fine, don't worry." But the two lovers looked in each other's eyes. Even without their telepathic connection, they tell that they were thinking the same thing. They *weren't* fine. Things *weren't* okay. No mere eclipse could have affected them like that, warped space and time in a way that felt downright. . .unnatural. . . * * * At the outskirts of the city was a clearing which, on warm days, was usually a magnet for people who liked to use it for softball, bike riding, jogging. . .But today, nobody was coming there. The desire to go there had vanished from everyone's minds. And they didn't know why. Because of this, no humans had laid eyes on the circus tent that had appeared there at the height of the eclipse. At first glance, it looked like a regular circus. . .a canvas tent with animal cages, bleachers, three rings, trapezes hanging from the ceiling. . . Then, one might notice the grotesque creatures that came and went from that tent. Some of them looked like children's toys. . .teddy bears, rocking horses, jack-in-the-boxes. . .but with twisted, grotesque features, looking like things a child may see in the shadows in the dead of night. Others were more conventional monsters. . .troll-like things with grey skin and bulging eyes, a humanoid that seemed to be covered with a constant, full-body sheen of yellow pus, something that looked like a mutant fusion of a wolf, a human and an elephant. . . The mistress of this particular circus was watching these creatures move about through a pane of glass. My faithful lemures, she thought. We've been preparing for this a long time, haven't we? It seems we've all been exiles forever. . .but now, we're going to get our revenge. We're going to make everyone who rejected us pay. Right now, she thought, none of them know we're here. She'd shielded them well, so not even those with extraordinary mental abilities could sense them. But by the time I'm done with this planet, she thought, they'll *all* know about me. Nehelenia rested her head against the glass, wishing, as she had wished so many times throughout the centuries, that she could shatter it, enter the world she once knew, become a normal human again. But she couldn't. Not since the day when those two bitches had sealed her away inside this mirror. "You didn't know who you were dealing with, did you, Cassiopeia? And Serenity? You thought I'd just stay here in my own little world forever and forget everything, didn't you? Well, now, I'm going to have the last laugh. I'm going to claim the Earth that should have been mine in the first place." There was the sound of footsteps on the other side of the glass, and a figure came into view. . .a shrunken, stooped old crone, with a withered face that looked barely human, her bald head covered with a strange hat. In her hand was a staff topped by an eyeball with wings. The person bowed. . .or bowed as well as she could with her old, twisted bones. "Queen Nehelenia," she croaked, "all is in readiness for the spell." "Good. Have the animals brought before the mirror." "May I ask *why* you are doing this? You have plenty of lemures at your command. Why turn animals into humans to do your work?" "Zirconia, you know what I need them for. Because the lemures don't dream. They haven't dreamed in centuries. How can I send them to do this job when they have no more understanding of human dreams than I do? Animals, however. . .we can control them, because they won't be truly human. And they can understand dreams. Plus, if they *look* human, the humans will accept them as one of their own. And I intend to make them *quite* attractive, so they'll be irresistable." The crone shook her head. "It still seems needless to me." "Patience, my old teacher," she said. "You do want to get back at the ones who hurt you, don't you?" Zirconia stiffened as the memories flooded her - memories of being expelled from the Royal Court of Earth and sent into exile, forbidden to return to Atlantis, the only place she had ever called home. . . "Ah, I can see it in your eyes," Nehelenia said. "You never forgave Cassiopeia's parents, did you?" "How could I?" Zirconia croaked. "I was their favorite court sorceress! And just because I was experimenting with a couple of black spells, I was driven away! I'd do anything to repay the hurt they caused me." Nehelenia smiled to herself. She knew very well how much Zirconia wanted revenge, and she'd use that desire to her full advantage. "Then step aside, and let me do this." Zirconia moved away from the mirror as lemures pushed an animal cage, a birdcage and a fishbowl toward the mirror. She can be so foolish sometimes, she thought, looking at the woman who had been her student in the black arts. Something untested like this animal spell was a huge risk. If it worked, she'd have her perfect servants, if it didn't. . .Zirconia had seen dark spells on animals go wrong before, and the result was always a mutant which tooks its revenge on its creator in a most messy fasion. Nehelenia took a series of deep breaths, focusing her concentration, opening her magical and psychic senses, feeling the dark energy rise within her. . .she held the images of the three creatures before her, representing the elements of the universe, one of earth, one of air, one of water. . . Then, she flung her arms wide and began to chant, loudly, in an arcane tongue, calling upon all the negative forces in the universe, willing them to fill her, be one with her. . . Finally, she pointed at the first cage, the one which contained a tiger. "I GIVE YOU THE FORM AND THE MIND OF A HUMAN! COME FORTH, TIGER EYE!" The animal within was enveloped in light, and it began to twist, elongate, change shape. . .until, by the time the light faded, it had become a human male, appearing to be in his late teens, with long, blonde hair. The creature cringed, as if the light were hurting his eyes. . .then suddenly realized something was different about himself. His hands quickly passed over his body, feeling the lack of fur, the human form, and he gasped. Nehelenia laughed. "Success!" she said. "And now, the next. . ." She pointed at the birdcage, which contained a hawk. "I GIVE YOU THE FORM AND THE MIND OF A HUMAN! COME FORTH, HAWK EYE!" One of the lemures opened the cage and removed the bird, putting it on the floor just as the light enveloped it and its body started to mutate. The result this time was a young man with short, shaggy pink hair. "And now. . .the last!" The lemure reached into the bowl and drew out the fish just as she was saying, "I GIVE YOU THE FORM AND THE MIND OF A HUMAN! COME FORTH, FISH EYE!" Zirconia watched the transformation, wondering if this one was a female. . .but once it was complete, she could see that it had feminine features, but was definitely male. Nehelenia surveyed her work, feeling proud of herself. This is my masterpiece, she thought. The three of them will help me bring the human race to its knees and surrender all power to me. Oh, dear niece Cassiopeia, how I wish you could see this. . .then you'd realize what a mistake it was to make your *son* your heir instead of me. Who the hell makes a *man* the ruler of a planet? Only you could be that foolish. Zirconia was also looking over the end result. "I must say, that was impressive." Perhaps I have underestimated her, she thought. These creatures have the gleam of true intelligence in their eyes. "Isn't it, though? I'm glad you think so. . .because you're going to be in charge of them." "WHAT? Nehelenia, you said nothing to me about. . ." "Do you still want to be a part of this, Zirconia? Then you do what I say. You may have taught me sorcery, but I have become far more powerful than you. I can blow you off the face of this earth as easily as snapping my fingers. You are to have them ready for their first mission by tomorrow, and that is an order!" She stalked toward the back of the mirror, out of Zirconia's sight. The old crone let out a deep, wheezing sigh. There was no fighting with Nehelenia. . .because she was right. This magical working was the final proof - she had far bested Zirconia in dark sorcery. They had begun as equal partners in vengence. . .but now, the relationship was more like master and servant. If she gets too reckless, Zirconia thought, she may find out that there's still life in this old body yet. I could muster enough power to turn some of these allies she so prizes against her. She had a brief fantasy of Nehelenia under siege by her own lemures. . . But for now, it was best that they continued to work as partners. It was the fastest and easiest path to revenge. And that meant training the three newly-minted humans on the floor. "Get up," she said. "We have work to do." Meanwhile, Nehelenia was headed toward the back of her mirror world, where she had an isolated, dark room. Right now, it was by far her favorite place, because it housed her biggest victory yet in her plan. Her prisoner. She opened the door, letting a single shaft of light into the room. Looking up, she saw a form hanging from the ceiling, bound tightly in strips of cloth hanging from the ceiling. Mummy-wrapped, like that accursed god Osiris that Cassiopeia had been so devoted to. She chuckled to herself. Stupid woman, giving her devotion to such a powerless god, when the Dark Lords she herself served were a thousand times more powerful! The figure's head drooped, and he appeared to be dead - but Nehelenia knew he was still very much alive. "You don't look very much like the glamorous court favorite now, Helios," she said. "Although, I must say, even as a horse you're disgustingly beautiful." She thought about the curse she'd put on him in an attempt to kill him, one of her first real black sorcery efforts. It had only caused him to change form - but she'd learned enough from the experience to cast another spell later. One that *counted.* A curse on someone who truly deserved it. "No matter - horse or human, you're not going to be able to rule over your little kingdom anymore. I'm going to see to that." And she turned her back and stalked out. * * * He heard her voice, somewhere at the fringes of his consciousness. . .if this perpetual hazy state of his could be called consciousness. I hear you, evil one, he thought. We'll see if you complete your mission before I complete mine. I must do what Queen Cassiopeia wanted. . .I must make sure the Golden Crystal is made whole again. Images of the crystal as it was, as it would be again, floated through his head, along with images of his Queen speaking to him, telling him about his role in her plan for the future. Am I in that future now? he thought. Or am I back in the Silver Millennium? Or am I. . .outside of time altogether? It's so unclear anymore. . .Reality had no meaning for him anymore. . .the only thing that seemed real to him was his dreams. He would see her from a distance, the beautiful young maiden who he knew was his savior. He would approach her, and she would point the way toward a shining light, brighter than the sun. . . The missing piece of the Golden Crystal. The object that could free him, foil Nehelenia's plans, save the world. . . And help the prince, his longtime friend. Helios knew the prince was out there, somewhere. . .but he couldn't pinpoint where. It's as if something is getting in the way of our old mental link, he thought. Maybe the prince was reborn without his memories of his past, of me. . .perhaps, he thought, the maiden will help me find and reawaken the prince as well. Whenever he felt strong enough, Helios would use a talent he'd mastered centuries ago and will his spirit to leave his body, traveling through the realms of humans, looking into their minds, their souls, looking for the same light and warmth he knew in his dream. Looking for *her*. He knew she was a real person. He'd heard a voice in his dreams many times, telling him that he would find her, that they were destined to be together. Oh, gods, he thought, how long? When will I find her? How long must I go on suffering? And he began to concentrate, focus his thoughts and will, preparing to leave his body, to search for her again. * * * The newly-minted humans were in one of the side tents of the circus, which had been set up as a lounge and recreational area for the performers. Behind the bar was a grey-skinned lemure with wisps of white hair clinging to its head, huge, protruding teeth and a hole in the middle of its face where a nose should be. The black walls, instead of bearing posters advertising various kinds of beer, were covered with wall hangings bearing arcane magical symbols. The pool and ping-pong tables sat unused, the television was dark, the jukebox silent. Right now, the three were interested in only two things - the drinks in front of them and the stack of photographs that they were passing around - pictures of future victims that had been given to them by the old hag. "It sounds like such an enjoyable thing," Tiger Eye sighed. "Stalking, hunting, seeking. . ." "So why isn't it?" said Hawk Eye. "We have to work with. . .HER. Where did they find that dried-up old prune, anyway?" "I can't stand to look at her," Fish Eye groaned, flipping through more pictures. He paused when he came across a particularly comely young man. "Oooh. . .I want to steal *his* dream! I'd love to see what *he* secretly thinks about!" Tiger Eye snatched the picture away from him. "We can't attack any of these people until the hag says so. She said the queen can only examine one dream at a time." "So why are we doing this, anyway?" Hawk Eye said. "Why does this queen need to see people's dreams?" "Weren't you paying attention?" Fish Eye snapped. "The queen needs to know about human dreams so she can attack people." "Attack them in their dreams?" Hawk Eye said. "Makes no sense to me." "Who cares, as long as we get to have fun with this!" Tiger Eye said. "I'm dying to get out there and *hunt*! Chasing is even better than actually catching, you know." "You're getting *too* much into this," Fish Eye said, going back to the pic tures. What was it the old biddy had said about these people? That they were all chosen because they had magical or psychic abilities, or were very intelligent, and would then have stronger, more detailed dreams than the common herd? They looked pretty normal to him. Except some of the boys were *exceptionally* cute. And he began to wonder just what it would be like to look inside the very deepest parts of their beings. . . * * * Amy closed the window of the bedroom. She had just felt a strong chill, down to the very marrow of her bones. Just a breeze, she thought. There's no reason to think it could have been caused by anything else. "Amy?" Adam said. "Come to bed, honey. You've been just standing there, like you were deep in thought. . ." She shook her head to clear it. Deep in thought? It had felt more like a momentary trance. But she was over it now. There were other things to think about. Like her latest research. She smiled at him. "I want to try something. . ." Oh, no, Adam thought. Here we go again. Another experiment. Lately, our lovemaking has become more like a lab session than a moment of passion. Different positions, different settings, different techniques. . .and no spontaneity. He went along with it because he loved her, because it was what *she* wanted, because he knew that one of these days her curiosity would be sated and they could go back to just making love again. But he was begining to wonder if that day would ever come. She had left the bedroom, and came back in with something in her hand. . .a jar of something? "I was talking to Serena," she said. "She told me about how wonderful it was when she and Darien had used food in their lovemaking, covering each other with it and licking it off. So, tonight we're going to use honey." Tonight, honey, he thought. Tomorrow, jelly, or teriyaki sauce, or some other substance. Then on to a different type of prop. I should say no, he thought. I should tell her I've had enough. . .but I can't. Because I love her, and I want to please her. But, gods. . .does even love have its limits? She hopped onto the bed, jar in hand. He took her in his arms and kissed her. Another experiment had begun. I have to thank Serena for this one, she thought. If it wasn't for her, I'd never know about this. Wonder if she and Darien are doing anything else interesting right now that she'll tell me about later? * * * Serena was dreaming. It started out at the eclipse party, when the sun was covered with shadow, and Serena had felt that bizarre twisting of reality. . . And then, suddenly, there was a brilliant flash of light amongst the shadows, so bright it temporarily blinded her. When it cleared, she looked around her, only to see that everyone was gone. She panicked, thinking she was totally alone. . .until she saw the beautiful woman in front of her, dressed in an Egyptian style, crowned with a headdress which featured the full moon between a pair of cow's horns. She knew very well who this was - her Guardian Deity. Her heart leapt at the sight. "Isis," she said, barely above a whisper. "I am so glad to see you! I haven't seen you in so long. . ." She rushed to the goddess, who enfolded her in a maternal embrace. She'd only been in the presence of the goddess a few times, but each time, it felt like coming home, as if she were reconnecting not only with the goddess herself, but with the spirits of generations upon generations of Moon royalty who had preceded her. "I am glad to see you too, Princess Serenity. I just wish that it could have been under better circumstances." Serena pulled away. "What do you mean? There's not anything wrong with Darien or Reenie or one of my friends, is there?" The goddess paused, as if considering what to say. . .and then, said, "Princess, the time has come for you to fight a new enemy." Serena's heart sank. Oh, no, she thought. That's what caused what I felt during the eclipse. I knew it was no fluke, no accident. She had hoped after they had eliminated the Deathbusters that it was the end, that they would never have to fight again. . . It was not to be, she thought. She wanted to cry. But instead, she got ahold of herself and put up a brave front, taking a deep breath and drawing herself up to her full height. "I understand," she told the goddess. "The enemy is one from the past, who threatens the future. Her powers are unlike any you have ever faced before, Princess, and so are those of her allies. In order to fight them, you will have to become Super Sailor Moon again - as your permanent transformation." "But. . .how can I? I don't have the Holy Grail anymore. I was able to bring myself up to Super form without it the last time, but it took every ounce of power I had." The goddess held out her hands, and Serena's locket appeared between them. "Your locket itself will bear the Divine Power necessary. When you need to transform, say 'Moon Crisis Power.'" As soon as the goddess said the words, the brooch began to mutate, to change shape, until it had become a white-gold heart with wings. Serena took it from her, carefully, as it it might break. The locket seemed to pulse with power, more power than it had ever held before. "Am I still going to use the Rainbow Moon Heart Ache attack?" "You will have a new attack, and a new weapon." The goddess held out her hands again, and a staff with a curved double handle at the bottom appeared between them. "This is the Kaleid Moon Scope. The words to activate its attack are 'Moon Gorgeous Meditation.' And make sure nobody is in your way when you throw it, because this attack is particularly deadly." Another weapon, another attack, she thought. This rod wasn't even pretty, like her Spiral Heart Moon Rod and Moon Scepter had been. But I'll use it, she thought. I'll use anything. . .to protect the ones I love, and protect the world. As she touched the weapon, she heard a second voice, a male one, that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. . . "Sailor Moon, make sure you guard the Prince of Earth well. You will need each other's help now more than ever." She looked around her. "Who are you? Where are you?" She looked toward Isis for answers. . .but the goddess was starting to fade away. . . Serena woke up, sitting bolt upright, gasping. Only a dream, she thought. It was just a dream. There are no new enemies after all. . .right? Then, she saw something unusual on her nighttable out of the corner of her eye. Slowly, she turned toward it. . . There was her brooch, where she had left it. Only it had taken on the same new shape it had been in the dream. * * * Helios traveled through the ether, beyond space, beyond time, beyond the physical world. . . The humans were dreaming now. It was quite easy for him to look inside the minds of the ones near his physical location without disturbing the dreamers. But he was seeing nothing to suggest that any of the dreamers were the maiden he was looking for. Here was someone having a selfish dream of power, another dreaming of revenge. . .nothing that suggested a pure heart, a pure soul. . . And then, he felt something, saw something. A vision of crystal. . .some sort of royal palace. . .and a young girl wandering through it, singing to herself. . . He tuned in to what the girl was thinking. She wanted to be a great lady, like her mother, the queen. . . And he saw two crystals hanging over the girl's head. One, silver, the other. . . Golden. Excitement flooded him. It could be her, he thought. My quest may be through. I have to enter her dream, to speak to her, to find out more. . . * * * Reenie was walking in a forest, turned silvery by the light of a full moon above. This feels familiar to me, she thought. But I've never been here before. This isn't Crystal Tokyo, and it's not the Tokyo of the past, either. . . In the distance was a pinpoint of light which was coming toward her, growing larger and larger as it moved. Reenie found herself drawn toward the light like a magnet, as if she had no choice but to go toward it. . .as if that light was somehow part of her destiny. . . And then, the light began to take on a distinct shape. . .the shape of a winged horse with a horn growing out of its head. Reenie watched, fascinated, as it grew to the size of a full-grown racehorse, then the light solidified. . . "Hello, maiden," the horse said. Reenie nearly jumped. "What. . .you can talk?" "Yes, I can. Why are you surprised?" "Because, where I come from, horses don't talk!" Helios smiled inwardly. She was certainly sweet and innocent. "I thought they had lots of magical things in Crystal Tokyo." "Hey. . .wait a second. . .how do you know I'm from Crystal Tokyo? Is that where you're from?" "I'm not from Crystal Tokyo. . .but I do know you. I think you're the person I've been seeing in my dreams for years, Reenie." (Yes, he thought, that's her name. I just *knew* it, it just flowed from her mind to mine). "You may be the one who will be able to help me." How does he know so much about me? she thought. And why would he be seeing *me* in his dreams? I'm not an important person like my mother or father. I'm just a kid who nobody takes seriously - they listen to what I have to say, then say "Isn't that cute?" and dismiss it. I'm just a Sailor Soldier in training with no real powers who has to be rescued by the others all the time. . .just. . .Teenie Reenie. She folded her arms across her chest. "All right. What *else* do you know about me?" A series of images flashed through his mind of this girl transforming into a magical form, using attacks, and the name of that form came to him as well. . ."I know that you're Sailor Chibi-Moon." She bristled at the mention of the name that she had never really liked. Such a babyish title. . . "I wish they'd called me something else," she sighed. Helios was about to reply. . .when he began hearing another voice in his head, one he'd heard in his head before. . .it was the voice of a young man, yet at the same time ageless and timeless. The voice that had first told him to seek the missing piece of the Golden Crystal. It was telling him something else now, something to tell the girl. . . "You won't be Sailor Chibi-Moon anymore," Helios said. "You will be known as Neo-Sailor Moon, and you will receive Super-level powers." Reenie suddenly saw her brooch floating in the air above her. It was mutating, taking on a new shape, a new design. . . "Neo-Sailor Moon," she repeated to herself. It made sense. . .her mother was known as Neo-Queen Serenity, meaning Queen Serenity the Younger. And it was so much more grown up than Sailor Chibi-Moon! And then, a bell appeared in the air next to the brooch. "What is that?" she said. "The Crystal Clarion," the horse replied. "Whenever you are need my help, transform into Neo-Sailor Moon and use this to call me. Just ring it and say, 'Clarion Call.'" Reenie reached up and gingerly took the new brooch and the bell out of the air. They both felt powerful, more powerful than anything she had handled before, save for her mother's crystal. He's trusting me with more power than my mother ever did, she thought. Why does he think so much of me? "Who are you, really?" she said to him. "I am a friend." "I don't even know what to call you." "You can call me Pegasus. And now, I have to go. Be strong, little maiden." He turned, and started to go. No, Reenie thought, don't go, not yet. . .She began to run after him, shouting, "Wait! You said I could help you. . .how? With what?" He turned back to her. "You must help me find the missing piece of the Golden Crystal so that I can be free again." And he began to dissolve back into light again. . . Reenie woke up, sitting bolt upright. Just a dream, she thought. The horse, Pegasus, wasn't real. And she felt a sense of deep loss. She started to get out of bed, when she noticed her brooch on her nighttable. She picked it up. . . It had taken on the same form as in the dream. Reenie's heart pounded. It happened, she thought. It really happened! She leapt to the floor, brooch in hand, and rushed down the steps, in search of Serena. . . Only to find her future mother sitting on her bed, looking at her own brooch, which had also taken on a different shape. The two just stared at each other, at each other's brooches, for a long moment. "Reenie," Serena said quietly, "did you have. . .an ususual dream?" "Yes," Reenie said. Serena put her brooch down. This was no coincidence, she thought. We've both been powered up. We're going to have to face the new enemies. But why Reenie? Why give *her* extra power? Unless. . .unless the new enemies were specifically after *her*. . . "We're calling Darien," she told Reenie. "Right after breakfast." * * * Helios was back in his physical body, feeling more tired than he'd ever been in his life - but also happier. I know it was her, he thought. As soon as I touched minds with her. . .the whole feel of her was almost holy. And the fact that I heard that voice, that mysterious voice, telling me what to tell her. . . Destiny. I know it. My destiny is in her hands. As he drifted off to sleep, he whispered aloud, "We will meet again, my maiden." * * * Serena slowly walked toward the window, looking out at the full moon. Reenie had gone home, she and Darien were alone in his apartment now. She'd told Reenie that Darien would be taking her to Raye's temple to spend the night; she wondered if the younger girl really believed her. She thought of the look on Darien's face when she and Reenie had relayed their dreams, and she had told him about the instructions she had received from Pegasus to find "the missing piece of Golden Crystal." "Missing piece?" he'd said. "It never looked broken, or felt broken." "What if it wasn't *broken*? Serena said. "What if it was. . .hollow?" Darien sighed. "It's possible. I just don't know why I never knew about this until now. I've had visions where I saw Queen Cassiopeia. . .why didn't she tell me?" "Maybe. . .it wasn't time for you to know until now," Serena said. "But why *now*? Why didn't we hear about this when we were fighting the Black Moon Family, or the Deathbusters - when we could have used some extra power?" Serena could only shake her head. "I don't know. It's a complete mystery." Now, she was looking up at her old home, mulling all this over. Who is this enemy Isis gave me the new power to use against? she thought. Is there any connection between them and the Golden Crystal mystery? And why did I hear that second voice asking me to protect Darien? She looked over at him, sitting on the floor, looking through the CDs, so calm, so nonchalant. . .I wish I could take this all in stride like that, she thought. But I can't. Not when my intuition is telling me that people I love might be in danger. . . Darien picked up on her thoughts, on her anxiety. He finished loading the CD changer, went over to her and pulled her in his arms. She turned so that her face was snuggled into his shoulder, wanting to feel closer to him than she ever had before in her life, wanting him to never let her go. "It'll be all right, my darling," he whispered. "You're so strong now, stronger than you've ever been before. Whatever it is, you can face it." "Darien. . .it's you and Reenie I'm worried about. What if the enemies are after the Golden Crystal, and they think she has the missing piece? They'll come after both of you in order to get the whole thing. I couldn't stand it if anything happened to either one of you." She buried her face in his chest and started to sob. "We almost lost her once. . .when the Deathbusters took her heart crystal. . .and if something like that were to happen again. . .oh, gods. . ." He hugged her closer, stroking her hair. He remembered all too well holding Reenie's lifeless body in his arms while Serena and the other girls were fighting their final battle against Pharoah 90 and Mistress Nine. Oh, how powerless he'd felt then. . .stuck at home rather than being on the battlefield, unable to help his lover or save their child. . . I will never feel that powerless again, he thought. I've been working hard with Artemis to improve my abilities, and I'm going to work even harder now - to help Serena. "We'll be able to defend her. And she'll be able to defend herself as well. Remember, she was given Super-level powers as well. Whoever this Pegasus she saw in her dream was, he wants her protected." Something was rising in his subconscious mind regarding that Pegasus, struggling to break into consciousness. . .but he couldn't quite place it. . . Serena raised her head and looked into her lover's eyes. So much love there, so much reassurance. . .He'd do anythng to protect Reenie andI, she thought, even at the cost of his own life. "I'm so glad I have you," she whispered. "Oh, darling. . .I'm glad I have you, too." She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down to hers, brushing her lips against his, needing their warmth, their sweetness. . .needing *him.* He kissed her back, tenderly, telling her without words of his love, of his need to have her in his life forever. She felt a fire start to rise in her blood, at first, just a few stray sparks, and then a flickering flame that built steadily in intensity. She pulled him closer, tighter, the motions of her lips becoming more urgent. When her tongue began to gently push against his lips, they opened with a gasp, as he began to rub his body against hers, desire starting to pulse through his veins as well. They broke apart, both panting and flushed, staring into each other's eyes for a long moment. . . Then, finally, he took her hand, leaned over to give her another kiss on the forehead, and led her to the bedroom. He didn't bother to turn a light on. He guided her expertly to the bed and gently lay her down, bending over to let his lips tease and caress hers again, his tongue flicking into her mouth quickly, just enough to let her feel it and raise her head, mutely begging for more. . .His fingers trailed down her neck, and over the surface of her blouse, feeling the fluttering of her heart through the silky fabric. . . When he cupped her breast and gently squeezed it, she raised her head, letting out a gasp. He stroked it through the fabric, caressing the hardened bud of nipple , feeling it get even harder at his touch. . . "Yes," she whispered. "Oh, yes, Darien. . .that's good. . ." He unbuttoned the blouse and pushed it aside, reaching behind her to find the clasp of her bra. No matter how many times he did this, it was still frustrating. . .he wondered if some sadistic lingerie maker deliberately made bras hard to open in order to frustrate men eager to discover the sweet secrets underneath the tantalizing, lacy fabric. "I think I'm going to have to get some dynamite and blow the lock off this thing," he said. She laughed. "You don't have to go that far. I know the secret combination." She reached behind her and undid the clasp. Finally, he was able to push it upward. She felt the hot wetness on her nipple, the swirl of a tongue, the gentle tugging of lips, a kiss, the barest scrape of teeth. . .and each contact sent electric shivers through her, making her twist and writhe, pushing her whole body up toward him. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him down to her, wanting it never to stop. . . When he pulled his mouth away, she cried out. "More. . . please. . ." "Sssh, honey, just relax, it'll be good, you'll see. . ." He pulled his shirt over his head and took her in his arms, his mouth seeking hers again. She began rubbing her body against his, needing the friction of his skin on her nipples, needing sensation, stimulation, any way she could get it. Her hands moved down his body and gripped his buttocks, squeezing them, and he let out a moan, moaning louder as she began a firm caress, marveling at how firm, how nice his flesh felt to her touch. She wanted to touch more of it. She rolled them over, so that she was on top, and reached for the snap and zipper of his pants. Darien groaned, expecting next to feel her hands, her mouth on his manhood. . .yes, my darling, he thought, do it, take me in, devour me. . . Instead, he felt her pull his pants down. . .then turn him on his stomach. There was the sound of a piece of clothing - her panties? - being dropped to the floor. . . He was gripped with a sudden panic. There was something in the back of his mind, something he couldn't quite remember, but he knew it involved him being in this position, and it was terrible. "Serena?" "Just relax." She gently massaged his back and kissed his neck. "You know I'd never do anything to hurt you, my darling. You're very safe." The next thing he felt was her lips caressing his neck, her tongue flickering up and down it. ..and then, down lower. . . Darien gasped as he felt her begin to kiss slowly around his back, stopping here and there to nibble, to lick, to just scorch him with her hot breath. . .She'd sucked his nipples plenty of times, but this was the first time she'd done something like this to his back! He couldn't believe how sexy it felt. Then, he felt her straddle his hips, and the panic shot through him again for a moment. . .And then, something hot and wet and lovely was pressing on his bottom. "Ohhh!" he cried, realizing what it was. He arched up toward her, feeling her womanhood slide up and down, up and down against him. . .slowly, the fear began to drain away, and it was replaced by excitement. Serena moaned. This was so, so good. . .the friction was different from having his hands or mouth down there, unlike anything she'd felt before. She ground herself into him, feeling his hips meet the motion of hers, an erotic dance that left both participants sweating and moaning. . . Suddenly, she felt an explosion of ecstasy within her, and she cried out, spasm after spasm of heat pulsing through her body. She tossed her head back, then fell forward against him, panting. "Wow," she laughed. "I wasn't expecting to come doing that!" "Surprise, surprise," he said. "That was wild, honey. Unreal." She leaned over and kissed his neck again, then turned him back over, looking at his erection. "I just wish I could have made you come at the same time." "We'll take care of that," he whispered, sitting up and pulling her into his arms. His mouth sought her breasts again, taking her right nipple into his mouth and suckling hungrily, taking it out and flicking his tongue over it, then suckling again. She cried out, barely getting time to catch her breath before he began to suck on the other hardened bud. "Darien. . .ohh, gods, it's so good. . ." He raised his head. "You make me feel so hot inside, sweetheart. . .gods, every time I touch you, I think I'm going to explode. You're so sexy, so beautiful. . .I can't wait to be inside you." She gave him a sly, sexy smile. "Then what are you waiting for?" He went into the nighttable for a condom, and felt that he couldn't get it out of the package and roll it on fast enough. . . . . .and meanwhile, outside, a woman passing by on the street noticed something strange. The moonlight was disappearing, bit by bit. She looked up, and saw something strange. . . "It can't be," she whispered. "Not on the same day as a solar eclipse!" In the bedroom, Darien finished what he had to, and got back on the bed, where Serena had positioned herself on her hands and knees. He bent over to the glorious twin mounds of her bottom and smoothed his hand over their surface, then placed kisses on the right side. . .then nipped at the left. . . "Ohh, yes," she moaned. "Yes, my love." He knelt behind her and grasped her hips, pulling her back against him. . . Blissfully unaware that the moon outside had slipped halfway into shadow. . . She felt him thrust into her womanhood, and she cried out his name, moving back against him, wanting him deeper, deeper, filling her as completely as he could, making them truly one. . . He pumped his hips, feeling her all around him, surrounding him, engulfing him. . . He reached under her body and grasped her breasts in his hands, stroking them, flicking his thumbs over the nipples, then taking them between thumb and forefinger and gently squeezing. . .The pleasure was building and building inside him, threatening to break free any second, but oh, he wanted to hold out as long as he could, he wanted to go on and on. . . And outside, a small crowd had gathered on the sidewalk, gawking as the moon continued to slip into darkness. Serena flung her head back, moaning louder and louder as the heat grew more and more intense, threatening to totally engulf her, scorch her, but she would welcome it, welcome it as she had nothing before in her entire life. . . Then, the explosion came, and she shrieked, and he answered her with an ecstatic cry of his own. . . As the moon outside disappeared completely. The lovers collapsed to the bed, holding each other, tenderly kissing. "I love you so much," she said. "I love you, too." He held her closer. "Feel any better?" "Yes, I do. I think that I'm willing to face whatever it is." "So am I. We *can* do it, Serena." She snuggled against his chest and felt herself drifting off to sleep. I won't be afraid, Darien, she thought. Not if you're with me. * * * He awoke early the next morning, when she was still asleep. He stroked her hair and gently kissed her. Good, she seemed peaceful, undisturbed by nightmares. . . He got out of bed and put on his bathrobe, wondering again what the "missing piece of the Golden Crystal" was. Was it possible that it was hidden within Reenie? He dismissed this possibility. . .if there was something like that inside her, it probably would have surfaced when the Deathbusters took her heart crystal. Did she hold its secret, then, on some subconscious level of her mind? And what was it about the Pegasus that bothered him, made him feel like he *should* remember it. . . He went into the kitchen and got out his waffle iron, plugging it in. . .Serena always loved to wake up to waffles. As he got the mixing bowl out of the cabinet, he turned on the radio on the kitchen counter. Suddenly, he was wracked by a violent fit of coughing, stronger coughs than he'd ever felt before, even with bronchitis. He tried to get ahold of himself, stop it. . .but it just kept getting stronger, until he fell to his knees on the floor. Searing pain seemed to be radiating through every part of him, making him feel like he was being torn apart bit by bit. He violently expelled fluid from his lungs, and then the coughing stopped. He fell to the floor, gasping. And then, he saw, on the tile, what he had coughed up. It was black. On the radio, the announcer was saying, ". . .a totally unprecedented celestial event - a total solar eclipse and a total lunar eclipse within the same 24-hour period. . ." And at the Dead Moon Circus, Nehelenia was laughing. AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is the first installment of my rewrite of the most maligned season of Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon SuperS - something I've wanted to do for a long time. Not too long ago, I came across a site called "In Defense of SuperS" which talked about the unrealized potential of the season - elements of genuine horror ended up buried under megatons of sugar. I decided that in my version, I was going to subtract the sugar and add spice. ~_^ Thanks tons to my editor, Steve Savage (check out his original fantasy/romance series, Xai, at - I *very* highly reccomend it) and to the members of Lemon Tree and the Lemonromance mailing list. E-mail me at My Web page is at Standard Sailor Moon disclaimers apply. These characters ain't mine, I'm just borrowing them for a little while.